Internal Medicine - Nurse Practitioner
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Description: PrimeHealth Staffing, LLC is at the momment seeking for Internal Medicine - Nurse Practitioner right now, this occupation will be presented in New Mexico. More complete informations about this occupation opportunity kindly read the description below. Internal Medicine opening in Near Albuquerque, New Mexico. NP or PA needed near Albuquerque, NM(with the possibility of movin! g to the Roswell area after 3 months) starting July 15th for a 3-6 month Assignment working M-W or Th-Sat 12hr shifts at a Construction Site seeing workers for minor injuries(No Suturing or Splinting), evaluations, colds, flu, drug screens etc. See on average 10-15 workers per 12hr Shift. Competitive pay
Keyphrases: internal medicine geriatrics jobs, internal medicine specialist jobs, internal medicine jobs, internal medicine critical care jobs, internal emergency medicine jobs, pediatric internal medicine jobs, internal medicine pediatrics jobs
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If you were eligible to this occupation, please give us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to PrimeHealth Staffing, LLC.
Interested on this occupation, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This occupation starts available on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:22:37 GMT
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